19 August, 2014

Chocolate 3D Printing

By Mauricio Hidalgo

Chocolate is one of the dishes that few can resist, sweet, delicious, soft to palate and if you could print any figure that you want in chocolate, sounds great realy.

3d systems

The manufacturer of printers “3D Systems” has shown at CES 2014 event a series of printers are able to print the way you want powdered sugar, which leads directly to these printers kitchens and pastry chef, but many wonder if you can also print chocolate. As the famous Hershey’s chocolate company conducted an agreement with “3D Systems“, to develop a printer that prints chocolate, the agreement was held in January this year and looks to launch Hershey’s products to a new dimension.

3D printers are becoming very popular and it is possible to find in the market from $ 500 to over USD $ 10,000 depending on their size, material type printing and the ability to match colors in the designs, so far it has proved possible to print plastic, pulverized sugar and other materials that are fast drying. 3D printers are reaching unimaginable levels, and a Chinese company has build a 3D printer capable of printing houses. In only one day showed it was able to print 10 houses with recycled material.

If you still wait for future technology change our lives, then open your eyes because the future we are living now.

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