Author: Mauricio Hidalgo

13 August, 2014

LED Lighting

In recent years we have heard a lot about LED lighting and the boom that has had this technology, so I wanted to make a small comparison test between an LED bulb and a fluorescent light bulb, with a light output in both bulbs 600Lm. what I did was connect the two bulbs to a power meter and verify what the manufacturer tells me about […]

9 August, 2014

Arduino and RFID

Communication through RFID is today one of the most used communications, from business cards to stickers income work that go into the products to be registered in logistics centers or market stores. RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) is a technology that allows you to store and deliver information and is generally implemented in labels, cards, coins, or RFID adhesive, and it is permitted to provide identification to […]

5 August, 2014

HC-SR04 Sensor

The HC-SR04 sensor has become very popular among users of Arduino, because its easy implementation, is one of the most used modules in robotics. The HC-SR04 sensor is an ultrasonic sensor that detects obstacles in front of him, from a minimum distance of 2cm to 4m, operating at a frequency of 40Khz, has a measuring angle of about 15 degrees. It has an entry called […]

4 August, 2014

Arduino Ethernet W5100

Never been easier to connect one of our projects to the network, really the ease with which we can connect our Arduino projects to the network is very rewarding when working with this shield. Just enough to assemble the shield to a development card, either an Arduino Uno R3 or Arduino Mega 2560 and load the test program found in the Arduino development software. The […]

4 August, 2014

Arduino Bluetooth HC-06

Today we introduce you to one of the devices That to my view is one of the devices with higher Capacities and not by the number of inputs or outputs you have, if not for his Ability to use Hundreds of applications in electronics. The HC-06 module is a module That Allows With the bluetooth communication protocol, that works on the 2.4Ghz band and Allows […]

29 July, 2014

Arduino Mega 2560

Perhaps one of the most complete modules designed for the Arduino development team, is undoubtedly a complete module, which complies with the required features and more to develop our projects. Although we focus too much on describing the benefits of this module, because in the official website of Arduino do very well, we describe some key features to keep in mind when developing. Key Features: […]